We love to ski!

Here are a few statistics from the first couple weeks of our expedition.  Enjoy!
Number of frozen leads crossed so far - 15

Lowest temperature experienced - -60°F

Highest temperature - -26°F

# of times we tell ourselves that it's important to be patient - probably 25 times a day

Most high maintenance piece of equipment - the iPaq (this is a pda that allows us to send pictures via email)

Our favorite piece of clothing - Bergans of Norway Sula Fleece

The number of days the Victorinox Spirit Multi tool is used - everyday

Vital electronic equipment - DeLorme PN-40 GPS

Coldest body part - Tyler: fingers and John: thumbs

The number of incidence of frost bite - 0

# of falls average per day - 3

# of blisters - 0

# of layers worn on the feet - probably 7 to 8

Signs of wild life - we have seen fox tracks and polar bear tracks

# of hours we sleep each night - 8

# of times Tyler has fallen asleep already writing this list - 3

Favorite piece of outerwear - we love the hood of our Bergans Antarktis jackets

AM Wakeup time - we strive for 5am

# of splits/cracks on Johns hands - 10

# hours spent pulling each day - 8

# of items stuffed in sleeping bags to keep warm during the night - 4

What we do all day - pull sleds

Favorite time of day - John: last 2 hours, Tyler: middle 3 hours

Time it takes to put footwear on in morning - 15 minutes